Saturday, September 29, 2007

What a Stitch!!

I finished my first embroidered kitchen towel! I still need to take a picture of it. Patrick got home last night and I told him to go look on the oven door handle. He came back into the living room and said it looked great! (Awww)

It's a pattern of the herb thyme in a pot. For the first embroidery I've done in a long time, I'm pretty proud of myself. I've got to practice some cool new stitches before I start the next one.

I bought a set of patterns that I'd like to do for my mom for Christmas. It's going to take some time, so I'm becoming an addict for now. Patrick works on his engine and rebuilding carburetors in the living room, and I work on my embroidery. :) It's a good system.

Pictures coming soon!!

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