It has been FAR too long since my last post!! May turned out to be a busy month. :) So, here's a quick report:
Mary Kay: After getting myself "active" again in April, I decided to make May a great month. I set a few goals: 30 brand new first-time facials, $1500 in sales, 2 new qualified team members, & 4 classes per week.
My first class and facials for the month were on May 18th. I had 14 people at that class!!! In the 2 weeks after that, I finished 30 first-time facials...brand new customers. That was freaking awesome. My sales came up to $1350 at the end of the month, I have 1 new team member that may place a $200 wholesale order, and I only did 3 classes in those 2 weeks, as well as a couple double-facials and a few facials.
I'd say that is amazing. To go from doing absolutely nothing with my Mary Kay business to making some good extra money the next month is pretty great. The flexibility of working my business when I want to is one of the biggest perks for me.
So, to keep the momentum rolling, I'm setting some bigger goals for June:
20 faces each week, 12 new team members, and earning my free car. If I don't finish the car, I'll at least be on target to finish my car.
Now, I KNOW that this is a hugely intense and seemingly overwhelming goal, however, I also KNOW that I thrive on having something big and meaningful to accomplish. Plus, it's the end of the Seminar year, and I'd like to show up in Dallas with my head held extra high. :) Now to register and get my flight arranged...
I am missing being crafty. I haven't picked up a needle and thread other than to sew on a button the other day. I need to work on some projects that need finishing. I'll get going on that (among my other big list of "things to do" and will get some pictures up here.